Our Collective Bargaining Agreement Has Been Renewed!

Organizational culture, one of the most important achievements of democracy, is the constitutional right of all employees. As Akar Textile; We have finally come to a happy end in the renewal of the collective bargaining agreement, which is the backbone of our company and our industry, which closely concerns our nearly 3,000 employees.

The collective bargaining agreement we signed with the Leather Weaving and Textile Workers’ Union (DERİTEKS), with which we started negotiations a while ago, made us smile a little in these difficult days we are going through as a country; strengthened our hopes for the future…

We wish the collective bargaining agreement, which will be valid until February 28, 2022, to be beneficial and auspicious to our company and all our stakeholders, especially our employees, and we would like to thank DERİTEKS for their devoted work despite a difficult process like the pandemic.

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