Fashion Revolution 2021
As a result of the collapse of the Rana Plaza in Bangladesh on April 4 2013; most of them women, 1134 textile workers died and more than 2500 workers were injured. “Fashion Revolution”, which emerged to prevent such a disaster again, has been raising awareness all over the world on issues such as not exploiting employees and protecting the ecosystem with its awareness-raising efforts.
”As Akar Textile employees, we aim to continue our future with sustainable textile.
In line with our corporate values and the Global Development Goals we follow; at Akar Textile, we adopt the continuos development model and evaluate sustainability in 3 classes: “Human, environment and material”.
With the agreements we signed with our organized union, we are the first and only collective bargaining company of many brands in the field of knitted ready-to-wear apparel in Turkey.
Rights of our employees against child labor, discrimination, forced labor, harassment, abuse and occupational health and safety are protected by the procedures and laws of our governement.
Also this year, as Akar Textile employees, we take our place in Fashion Revolution’s awareness-raising event with the theme “I Made Your Clothes” and we aim to continue our future with sustainable textile.